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A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

Note: This book is the second in the series and may contain spoilers. Click here to read my review of the first book.
In Red London, four months after everything that happened with the stone, Kell feels trapped and restless and blamed, Lila is finding out just what kind of power she holds, and Rhy is doing his best to try to enjoy the second chance he’s been given without feeling like a burden or powerless. They come together for the Element Games, a competition where magicians from all over can show off their skills, hoping the competition can give them something they’ve been missing. All the while, the other Londons have undergone some changes that may affect magic and the role it plays in each London.
My Thoughts:
This book was amazing! The the first one, I thought, was good and interesting but this one really drew me in. Schwab does a beautiful job of illustrating the characters, the issues they face, and the world they live in. The Element Games, or the Essen Tasch, made for a great opportunity for the author to show more of the world she created, leaving me in awe and wonder and really wishing that magic existed.
Lila is still an idiot, putting herself in a ridiculous amount danger at every chance she gets, but she grows on you. Rhy is….different. He can be challenging but at the same time you can understand why he is the way he is. Kell is the handsome, tortured character but in a more modest way which makes me like him more. I hope Kell can let himself go in the next book and get the freedom he craves.
Sadly, there was still nothing revealed about Kell’s family so there better be something about that in the next book. Also, I wonder if there’s more to Lila’s missing eye and her powers, something I’ve been wondering about since the first book but forgot mention.
Drop everything to read this book. It’s even more compelling than the first. It is entertaining, exciting and so much more!
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