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Ana Maria and The Fox by Liana De la Rosa

Ana Maria and her two sisters are sent London to escape the political unrest cause by the French occupation of Mexico. Away from their father, the sisters experience a new kind of freedom. Ana Maria can enjoy small liberties while away from home but she still has a goal to keep in mind and it would be a lot easier to do if Gideon Fox wasn’t so handsome. Fox, a member of parliament, is focused on his work of abolishing slave trade but he can’t seem to get Ana Maria out of his head. When Ana Maria and her sisters find themselves in the crosshairs of a political agenda in London, Gideon knows he must offer what protection he can and maybe offer his heart as well.
My Thoughts:
I’ve been wanting to read more historical fiction and this was the perfect book for that desire.
The book discusses gender roles, slavery, prejudices, and race very well while having a sweet romance at the center.
Having a strong Mexican female lead was also a pretty good plus for me. This book captured being a woman so perfectly. I loved the relationship the sisters had by the end of the book and I’m excited to read their stories.
The romance is so sweet and kind. I admired that the characters didn’t say they were in love with each other at the drop of a hat despite the time period and certain events that transpired (I don’t want to give away any spoilers).
The whole book flew by in a breeze. I’m not sure if it was because I was loving and anticipating this read so much or because the events were written in such a way to fly by. It felt like reading a fleeting piece of history and not in a bad way. Honestly, I would have loved more!
Such a great, fun historical romance and one I recommend checking out!
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