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Love & War by Melissa de la Cruz

This is the second book in the Alex & Eliza trilogy. To read the review of the first book, click here.
Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler are a newly married couple living in times of war. Alex convinces General Washington to let him command a group of his own men into war. Once the war is over, Alex and Eliza start a new life to together in New York where they must adjust to living on their own and adjust to trying to establish a life in a nation that is still so unstable.
My Thoughts:
I enjoyed the pace that the author set in this book more than the first one; the story flows nicely while covering so much time. It doesn’t feel like anything is rushed but more like you get a look at notable moments in the lives of Alex and Eliza.
I think Alex is an idiot for wanting to fight in the war so badly and for hoping for glory but I see why he felt he needed to when so many men were fighting and giving their lives to the cause.
Eliza’s character as a wife and a woman are definitely tested. I admire her strength throughout everything and even more so, her patience.
There are times when I question how their marriage manages to work and how they do not lose faith in each other.
As with any book, there is conflict but this is still a book that you can take your time and relax with which is why I think this book is a good read. Take some time and get lost in some historical fiction.
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