Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong

This is the second book of a duet. Read my review of Book 1 here.


Juliette has killed Marshall in cold blood, or so everyone thinks. Benedict is an empty shell and Roma is furious for letting Juliette play him. It’s safer for everyone if Roma believes Juliette killed Marshall but this makes working in the same city together that much more difficult. There are new monsters on the loose, secrets at every turn, and the city is on the brink of war. For Juliette and Roma, working together is fraught with danger including the danger of revealing their hearts to one another. 

My Thoughts:

This book was so much more enjoyable that the first one! The pace picked up in the second book making the story much easier to get into.

There were definitely some parallels from the first book so parts of the story felt repetitive. Additionally, much of the twists were predictable with the exception of only one or two.

I love that each character had their own complete arc even if I didn’t love every part of it. 

I feel like I should have anticipated the ending because it’s not a hard ending to guess. I feel like I had so much hope for how things would turn out that I failed to remember what the story was at its heart. That’s all I can say without giving any explicit spoilers.

Overall, a great read with an emotional ending. I don’t think this is a duet to drop everything for but it is one I think that many can enjoy! 

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