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Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez

Alexis spends the night with a guy she just met which is very unlike her. Daniel, the guy, is 10 years younger and very attractive. The more time she spends with him and the tight knit community he lives in, the more she realizes what’s important in life. But with her parents expecting her to carry on the family legacy, can she really leave everything behind or give up Daniel for good?
My Thoughts:
I cannot believe I waited so long to read this because it was amazing!
This is my first Abby Jimenez novel and I’m in love with it. I cannot wait to dive into her newest release, Yours Truly.
The characters were so easy to love and root for. The town exemplified exactly what it means to be a community and care for each other. I love that both the characters and town were flawed because it made the whole story more realistic and easier to connect with.
I feel like the major turning point for the characters was predictable and a little drawn out but I was enjoying the book so much that I had no problem wanting to read through it. I would have loved an atypical plot sequence for such a great novel but beggars can’t be choosers.
Overall, an amazing read that I would say consider dropping everything for if this story interests you.
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