The Cruel Prince by Holly Black


Jude and her sisters were taken to live in the land of Faerie after their parents were murdered. Now, Jude wants nothing more than to belong despite her human nature and the hate of the Fae. Prince Cardan, the youngest and most wicked son of the High King has made it clear he hates her most of all. Jude has a change to make a place for herself in the Hight Court but must defy Prince Cardan to do so. With Civil War and violence brewing, Jude may need to risk her own life to keep safe that what she holds dear.

My Thoughts:

I had a harder time than I expected getting into this book given the intriguing summary. What held my interest was the Faerie world Holly Black created. 

The main reason I had a hard time was due to the main character, Jude. Here you have this seventeen year old girl who seems perfectly okay with her adoptive father who murdered her mother.

She is also constantly trying to prove that she belongs in Faerie just as much as anyone else. I feel like she’s desperate for a place to fit in and she’s looking for it in all the wrong ways. As the story progresses though, you find yourself understanding her as character. In a way, she is doing what she feels is right for her in the world that she was brought up in.

There isn’t really any romance in this book. However, that doesn’t exactly stop you from being curious about some of the relationships in the story. 

As far as relationships go, the dynamic between the sisters is quite curious for me as I don’t have sisters and I wonder how things are going to turn out for their relationship.

Buy the end, my interest was piqued and I wanted to know what came next. A decent read but not my favorite. I’m hoping the next couple of books only get better.

*Purchase the Folk of the Air inspired book box here.

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