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Verity by Colleen Hoover

Lowen is a struggling writer with piling debt when she gets an unexpected job offer. Jeremy Crawford, husband of bestselling author Verity Crawford, has hired Lowen to finish writing the highly successful series his wife is unable to complete due to injuries sustained during a car crash. What started out as a few days to sort through the notes and files in Verity’s office, turns into weeks when Lowen realizes she doesn’t have an apartment to go back to and when she finds an autobiography from Verity no one was ever meant to read. The more Lowen reads and the longer she spends time around the Crawford family, the less sure she is she should stay. However, her feelings towards Verity’s husband keep her from leaving and make her realize Jeremy may not know his wife at all.
My Thoughts:
What a psychological thriller this book was! I think the author did a great job of staying true to the genre. However, in all honesty, I don’t think the story itself was great for me. There were so many unanswered questions and so much debate about what was true in the end. I understand having open endings and leaving readers guessing but I don’t think this story really pulled it off.
On top of the story being what it was, the characters were too flawed and underdeveloped in my opinion to really get me to fall into the story. Lowen is constantly overstepping and letting romantic feelings cloud her judgment. Jeremy Crawford, Verity’s husband, clearly has things he’s been hiding and offers little explanation for his actions (actions both known and unknown).
What kept me reading? The writing. Colleen Hoover definitely has a way of keeping you interested without actually revealing too much. The flow of her writing makes for an smooth reading experience.
I haven’t read too many psychological thrillers so take my rating for this book with a grain of salt. This is a book that has been read and reviewed by many. Read the reviews before picking this one up. If you want to know what the debate about manuscript vs letter is all about then by all means give it a read but don’t expect to have a definitive answer.
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